Nine Pin Cider Earns New York State Grown and Certified Seal

Nine Pin Ciderworks, New York’s first farm cidery, is officially New York State Grown & Certified.

The New York State Grown & Certified designation is the first statewide, multi-faceted food certification program designed to strengthen consumer confidence in New York products, address food product labeling, and assist New York farmers so they can take advantage of the growing market demand for foods locally grown and produced to a higher standard.

The seal allows shoppers to find the best food for their families – making it easy to identify foods they can trust and that are locally and responsibly grown and produced.

When consumers see products with the New York State Grown & Certified seal, they can be assured that it comes from a local farm that adheres to high food safety standards and environmentally responsible practices. The label lets them know the food was grown locally, right here in New York State.

“We are very pleased to be officially New York State Grown & Certified,” said Alejandro del Peral, co-founder and cidermaker. “This important distinction is an easy way for cider enthusiasts to know that our premium craft cider is proudly made from New York apples and produced in the Empire State.”

This voluntary program is a cooperative effort among producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to meet consumer demand for high-quality food and agricultural products.